Welcome! We at GBTA are excited to introduce this self-paced toolkit that represents and outlines our pillars - as a result, we structured our guide in three sections: Community, Learning, and Advocacy. 

Using This Toolkit
We recommend navigating this toolkit at your convenience but for best results, please access this on a desktop computer as not all sections are structured to display on mobile devices. 

The objective of this New Member Toolkit is to create a bridge between your membership at GBTA and the exciting member benefits included with it. Whether you are a Travel Manager new to the industry and GBTA or a seasoned professional deciding to be part of a larger community, we welcome you! Here is a brief video from Suzanne Neufang, GBTA's CEO, to get started.

This toolkit was developed with the support of multiple GBTA departments whose collective mission is to be the leading source of business travel knowledge worldwide. This knowledge is created through education, research, networking and advocacy delivered on demand; all for you! 


Connect with Colleagues Mentorship Programs Give Back to Your Community
Research and Videos at Your
Advance Your Career! Apply Your Knowledge
Get The Lowdown Many Voices, One Purpose Listen and Tune In

This toolkit was developed with the support of multiple GBTA departments whose collective mission is to be the leading source of business travel knowledge worldwide. This knowledge is created through education, research, networking and advocacy delivered on demand; all for you! 


Connect with Colleagues Mentorship Programs Give Back to Your Community
Research and Videos at Your Fingertips Advance Your Career! Apply Your Knowledge
Get The Lowdown Many Voices, One Purpose Listen and Tune In