Many Voices, One Purpose

No one person can make a change, it takes the collective voice of the industry to impact our industry and influence decision-makers. With our many voices, we can purposefully move the industry forward in ways that benefit business travelers and those directly connected.

 Key Objectives

  • Members will learn about GBTA’s efforts in advocating legislation for the industry on multiple fronts
  • Members will learn about the detailed approach GBTA takes in legislating for the greater good of the industry
  • Members will also learn about the Legislative Advisory Council, its purpose, and how to join

Multiple Fronts

To search for someone you may know, type their name out and then select the magnifying lens to search. From the search results, select Add Connection next to the individual you want With the goal of moving the business travel industry forward, GBTA advocates for policies promoting a healthy infrastructure, passenger facilitation, and ways to remove barriers for travel buyers and the they oversee. 

Ensuring Proper Infrastructure

Investment in transportation infrastructure is necessary for a sustainable economy and job growth. Governments must support and fund air and rail modernization efforts and take a balanced approach on taxes and fees levied to help these efforts. GBTA supports full funding of efforts to modernize air traffic control systems, implement increased safety protocols and procedures for outbound and inbound flights as well as improved and reduce flight delays and cancellations. In addition, intercity and cross-border rail is a critical method of transport for business travelers. Increased ridership must be met with improvements in infrastructure and aligning laws to enable cross-border travel and bookings.

Passenger Facilitation

Travelers should expect an unbiased and equitable travel experience guided by broadly accepted levels of comfort, choice, control, safety, and expediency. New technology and laws that encourage frictionless travel and documentation requirements should operate with common standards that encourage interoperability amongst different countries. While personalization can enhance the travel experience, travelers should expect their personal information will always be kept confidential and used only for their intended purpose.

Sustainable Business Travel

One collective mission the industry must prioritize is reducing carbon emissions to ensure people can travel to connect with others not just today but tomorrow, this begins with an actionable plan. The further development and use of technology, alternative fuels, clarity of carbon emissions standards, infrastructure, and multimodal options will all result in a future of more purposeful business travel. Learn about additional ways to minimize the climate impact of business travel, and use the GBTA Foundation's Sustainability Toolkit

Grassroots Advocacy

GBTA members stand as champions for the business travel sector, lending their voices and expertise to advance its interests. Engaging in this cause through the GBTA Advocacy Action Center empowers you to take a proactive approach on legislative matters. Establish a line of connection with your elected officials, visit the GBTA Advocacy Action Center.

Our Approach

As mentioned earlier, it takes a collective voice to be able to make a difference in the business travel industry. We, at GBTA, take a three-pronged approach that benefits you, our member, and industry alike: educate, defend, and drive. 

Educating policymakers on the value, benefits, and impact of the business travel industry. This helps establish base-level knowledge and context for the business travel industry.

Highlight the uniqueness of business travel to guarantee laws and regulations do not dismiss travel programs. By defending, we create a way to stand out among others in our everyday goal to spotlight our industry. 

Shape policies in a way that ensures sustainable and safe travel for work, this ensures an environment where future laws are based on our needs moving forward.

Legislative Advisory Council

The Legislative Advisory Council's main mission is to review, research, and make recommendations on legislation and policies that impact the business travel community and to help determine GBTA’s legislative action. It's objectives include:
  • champion Rules of the Road for Optimizing Business Travel
  • inform the GBTA Board, committee chairs, and members of legislative priorities
  • education and communicate legislative initiatives throughout membership
  • act on all legislative policies deemed appropriate by the Executive Director and COO or the GBTA Board
Interested in joining? Meet the Legislative Advisory Council

In the next section, you will learn about other ways GBTA makes a name for you and the business travel industry.
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