Get The Lowdown

The Daily News Brief is GBTA’s long-standing newsletter that covers all things business travel and GBTA from around the world. It is your not-to-be-missed source of news, information and links to what’s happening at GBTA, for GBTA members, and throughout the industry. 

 Key Objectives

  • Members will learn about the Daily News Brief, its reach and importance
  • Members will also understand the steps to subscribe to the Daily News Brief and where to find it 

A Global Audience

With a global audience of 88K+ industry professionals, the newsletter features top GBTA-curated business travel industry news of the day as well as from sectors including aviation, hospitality, sustainability and more. The newsletter also provides ongoing updates on GBTA happenings such as upcoming events, education sessions, webinars, podcasts, research and important membership news.

Subscribing to the Daily News Brief

To make sure you are in the know, visit the Global Business Travel Association homepage and visit the News & Advocacy tab, there you will find the Daily News Brief Archive. See the image below:
Click to enlarge image

In Case You Miss It

GBTA delivers the Daily News Brief newsletter direct to your inbox from Monday to Friday – and a bonus recap “ICYMI” edition on Saturday. 

Now that you have learned about how you can stay in the know during your everyday professional life, the next section will focus on GBTA's motto, Many Voices, One Purpose and how we represent the business travel industry but most importantly; you.
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Get The Lowdown Many Voices, One Purpose Listen and Tune In