Give Back to Your Community

The life of any association, ours included, is due to our volunteers. Without volunteers our events would not be successful and members would not benefit from the relationships they establish with others in the business travel industry. As a member who volunteers, you will have the ability to gain recognition and showcase your value while building upon your personal and professional development.

 Key Objectives

  • Members will learn how to get involved in committees relevant to their professional areas of expertise
  • Members will learn about the leadership opportunities that come from volunteering
  • Members will understand the steps to recognize fellow members who volunteer for their efforts and how to celebrate their accomplishments


GBTA’s committees are truly the heart and soul of our association. Engaging in committee service isn’t just a duty; it's a wonderful chance for members to connect deeply within their chosen vertical, broaden their networks, and enrich their understanding of business travel. Just like GBTA itself, our committees reach across the globe, bringing together diverse perspectives to tackle global travel challenges. We also cherish our regional committees, which ensure that local voices are heard and local needs are met. Together, these committees embody the essence of what makes GBTA such a special, dynamic, and globally significant community. Consider joining a committee to contribute, learn and network with a purpose. Learn about the types of visit GBTA Committees, or email your questions to Below is a summary of GBTA Committees and their regional/global presence. 



 U.S. ​




 U.S. ​


Inclusion & Culture


Meetings & Events ​

 U.S. ​



Payment Solutions









Sustainability ​




 U.S. ​





Peer Review Council (PRC)

One way to maximize your membership and give back to the business travel community is by joining the PRC. The PRC or Peer Review Council is a group of volunteers that participate in the scoring and selection process for the GBTA Convention Education Session program.

Review Process:
Each year, all proposals are submitted into a double-blinded review process that is completed by a group of volunteers in the PRC. As a note, GBTA Staff do not review or score proposals, this is all done by volunteers. The proposals are then twice scored by the Council in two separate rounds of review. This is followed by an in-person meeting to discuss all the proposals at length and make the final selections for the education program.

Becoming a Reviewer
GBTA invites all types of industry roles to participate on the PRC to ensure a wide variety of perspectives, experiences, and professional backgrounds are incorporated into the decision making process and education session program. Reviewers are still welcome to submit proposal(s). To avoid a conflict of interest, reviewers will not review their own submissions. All proposal and scoring information must remain confidential throughout the entire review process.

Timeline and Commitment
Each member of the Peer Review Council is expected to review one (1) track/topic during a 1-month span. Typically the average number of proposals can range from 15 to 70, all depending on the topic. Reviewing each proposal can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes in order to provide thoughtful scoring and feedback. To learn more, visit GBTA's Call for Proposals page.


GBTA volunteers are fundamental to the sense of community that defines GBTA and its members. Their unwavering commitment, dedication, and generosity are the driving forces behind our ability to foster strong connections within the business travel industry. Through their efforts, we are able to provide daily opportunities for networking, peer-to-peer interactions, education, and much more.

Nominate Someone 
Throughout the years, numerous dedicated individuals have been honored for their significant contributions across a variety of categories. We warmly invite you to learn more about these categories and join us in celebrating the remarkable achievements of our award winners but also welcome you to nominate those embody these traits. Below are some of the awards available, for a full list, visit our Recognition page.

The next section will focus on our second pillar; Learning and another way you can make the most of your GBTA membership - research and resources.
Connect with Colleagues Mentorship Programs Give Back to Your Community
Research and Videos at Your
Advance Your Career! Apply Your Knowledge
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